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Christian Education

Our purpose is to organize and administer educational programs of the church, and to oversee spiritual growth through the Life Group ministries.

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As representatives of the congregation, Nomination Committee members confidentially select eligible candidates to fill positions on Session, the Corporation...

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Congregational Life

We seek to serve the special needs of this congregation.  One of our focuses is for those in residential care and those being cared for at home. 

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Our purpose is to work with our Pastor and Worship Coordinator / Music Director in planning all worship services. We also work with the music program for ...

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Provide assistance to those seeking to become involved in the life of the church.  
Provide assistance to those seeking membership at First Presbyterian Church...

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Plan and carry out financial strategies and other fund-raising events as well as work to educate the congregation on the importance of regular financial giving throughout the year.



To help nurture middle & high school youth as they mature and become young adults. Provide transitional experiences that provide a solid foundation for living out their faith.



This committee works diligently to maintain and improve the church facility for the purpose of extending the love of Christ to the church members and also our community.

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To share the word of God and inform, promote, and enhance the First Presbyterian Church of Lake City through the written word and visual media.

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