By Anne Carroll, Elder
The committee (Nancy Howe, Nikki Hubler, Janie Killian, Lenore Matsubara, Lisa Smith) met in June to start planning for the fall. We are looking forward to getting back together with our church family and participating in our regular groups and Sunday school classes that we have missed.
Our first planned activity is for the children in Pre-K through 5th grade and will be an “End of Summer Splash” on August 7th from 9:00 until noon. Fun activities are being planned so stay tuned for more information in early July.
Next will be Rally Day following the church service on September 12th and we are still finalizing plans for this.
For our church to have these programs, PKW, and Sunday school classes (children through adults) we need volunteers who are willing to step forward and lead. Our committee members will help train and share past experiences with you and provide any help you need. We have had wonderful leaders in the past, and some will be returning but not enough to sustain all the classes. Please prayerfully consider your talents and how you might serve. You can contact any member if you have questions about the different positions.