Members: Anne Carroll, Lisa Smith, Nancy Howe, Janie Killian, Lenora Matsubara, and Nikki Hubler
Sunday school has started back for all ages and we look forward to seeing more of you return.
P.K.W. started up last Sunday and is for ages 4 through second grade.
Our nursery is open for both Sunday school and church.
Pastor Ken just completed his class on “What it means to be Presbyterian. His Bible studies for men and women are ongoing and I encourage you to attend if possible. They are very informative and give insight that helps us grow in our faith and understanding of the Bible.
Several of the Life Groups have also started meeting and others will follow.
As you can see from the above list, we are actively working to get programs up and going and encourage you to come see what is happening in the educational programs of our church.
If you have any suggestions for programs, you would like please let a member of the committee know.
By Anne Carroll, Elder