How long have you been an Elder?
4 ½ years
If you have been an elder of more than one committee, what was your favorite one and why?
I don’t have a favorite. When I was the Youth Elder, it was very fulfilling to put together programs and trips and to watch the youth interact with each other. It was a joy to watch the congregation interact with them and most of all overwhelmed by the support that the congregation always has for the Youth of our Church.
With nominations, I get the opportunity to work with a great committee that is very passionate in the goal and outcome of what we do. They take their call very seriously and carefully, vet each candidate before making a decision. I am honored to have served both committees.
What is the most rewarding experience as an Elder?
The most rewarding part of being an Elder for me is the unity that I see and feel at the Session meetings. Everyone is so accepting of different opinions and always listening to ideas objectively to find the best solution to whatever the issue may be.
What is the most challenging issue as an Elder & how was it resolved?
By far the most challenging issue is the one we are currently facing, COVID-19. There are many different areas of the Church that have been affected by this Virus. I hope and pray that everyone in this Church understands that the number one priority this Session has is keeping the congregation safe. We feel that we have done that. I don’t know what the final outcome will be, but I have no doubt God will guide us through it.
How has being an Elder enriched your faith?
Being on the Session I believe has grown my relationship with not only Session members but also the congregation. I have become closer to God personally through prayer, and know he is with me in all I do.
Do you have anything additional you would like our congregation to know?
We have the greatest group of Elders working hard everyday for this Church. Together there is nothing that we can’t accomplish. We have the greatest congregation who selflessly volunteers their time and compassionately prays for the needs of others. A staff that is professional and great at what they do day in and day out. And, last but not least, a Pastor that works very hard to make sure everything is just right - always inspiring the congregation, by example and teaching, to grow in love for God and neighbor through Jesus Christ. When you surround yourself with great people success is easy. God Bless everyone!