March is here, and we are now in the season of Lent; I’m still trying to wrap my head around last year’s Lenten season and everything that we have experienced in the last twelve months. But God gives us a gift during this season: an opportunity to refocus. It’s a time to allow the Holy Spirit to turn our minds in the right direction: toward Jesus. It’s a time to consider his ministry, his healing, and his passion; to watch as he journeys to the cross for us; and to fix our eyes and our hearts on him. One of the ways I look forward to doing this is our Good Friday service. This year’s service will be an online Tenebrae service entitled “The Seven Last Sayings of Jesus,” by R. Kevin Boesiger, and will be presented with piano, organ, guitar, drums, and singers. Other special services that are being planned are Palm Sunday, Maundy
Thursday communion, and of course, the glorious promise of Easter Sunday. We hope you will join us for all of these.
May God bless all of us this month as we draw closer to the cross and empty tomb! Regardless of the distractions around us, may God grant us the grace to fix our eyes, hearts, and minds on Jesus.
By Tim Redding, Music Director / Worship Coordinator