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Scouts Troop 85 Update

Writer's picture: FPCLCFPCLC

Young Eagles at Cannon Creek – October 15th thru the 16th. The Scouts got the opportunity to fly in an airplane and to work on their Aviation Merit Badge. Follow up programs will be held at the Scout House to finish the merit badge. Below are the participants with their parents. One Scout was able to ride in the aerobatic airplane.

Scout Sunday is coming up in February and we need to decide what the Scouts will be doing so they can begin to work on their parts.

Columbia County Fair will be October 29th thru November 6th. Check out our Facebook page to sign up for hours to earn money for upcoming Scouting events.

Pack recruitment was held October 21st at the Lake City First Presbyterian Church fellowship hall and grounds. Kids enjoyed rocket making and launching the rockets. Eight new Cub Scouts were added to the Pack.


About Our Troop Newsletter: Information compiled by Gerri Kuzyk, Troop Leader. All information is subject to change at any time. If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, contact Gerri at

Fundraiser Corner: Our fundraiser that is delicious and inexpensive is still going.

Here are the top sellers of our Country Meats Fund Raising:

Joshua Livengood 569

Tristan Rainflower-Wilks 324

JJ Jackson 265

Ashton Tucker 209

Dakota Beichner 175

All Scouts have earned the Squad level patch for selling 24

5 Scouts have earned Hero patch for selling 144

One Scout has earned the Ghost Fire Patch and Hat for selling at least 432

Country Meats is a locally based company out of Ocala, Florida and has been a longtime supporter of Scouts. They have an incentive program to earn patches. These meats are high in protein, low in carbs and taste wonderful! How much do they sell for—only $1.00!!! For each stick sold the Scout gets $.45 into their account.

By Gerri Kuzyk, Troop Leader

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