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Scouts Troop 9085 Update


Our scouts have many adventures and have lots of fun, but we have a serious side too…

Duty to Country. This is what the scouts of BSA Troop 9085 practiced on the evening of December 3, 2021. With the assistance of the Cub Scout Pack 85, our scouts presented over 20 flags that were in need of retirement due to damage. The cub scouts learned about the importance of their duty to country, a part of the Scout Oath, by properly retiring the nation’s flag. The flags were donated to the troop by various organizations in Columbia County.

Service to Others. Many people know that a big part of scouts is helping others. In December, the girls took up the call to assist another scout, from Troop 85, with his Eagle Service Project. The girls joined the group at New Generation School to help build a playground. The project was completed in about 5 days over the course of a couple weeks.

Court of Honor. Our quarterly awards ceremony took place on December 16. This is a time for the scouts to be awarded for their hard work. Scouts received their certificates and patches for merit badges and ranks that were completed in the last three months.

Camping. Adventure awaits. The scouts travelled to BSA Camp Francis in Interlachen, FL, to join other girl troops from the Jacksonville area for a weekend of learning and fun. The scouts participated in merit badge classes and made new friends while practicing their skills of teamwork and leadership.

Camp Cards on Sale Now. Our annual discount card fundraiser is now active until April 11. They are $5 and 50% stays directly with the Scout for summer camp fees. Please contact Anne Carroll for details at 386-365-2771.

If you know any girls, ages 11-17, who love the outdoors and wish to learn valuable leadership skills, call Scoutmaster Stephanie Chambers-Wolff at 386-406-1736 or visit The troop meets Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. upstairs in the FPCLC Education Building.

Do you have a skill that every scout should know? Plumber, welders, chefs, community leaders, law enforcement, and so much more are welcome to join as Merit Badge Counselors. It’s free to join!

By Lodisca Beichner



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