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Troop 9085 Update


Updated: May 18, 2022

March – April 2022

In March, the scouts worked on their Fishing Merit Badge with a trip to Suwannee River State Park for some camping and fishing. (Though they had some nibbles, there was little success.) They learned to tie fishing knots, how to set up a fishing pole, types of fish, rules and regulations, and cleaning and cooking a fish.

The troop elected members to the Order of the Arrow, a scouting honor society. Scouts that are elected, then inducted, into the Order have shown that they have the spirit of scouting.

Our Court of Honor in March was very successful with all our scouts (that are not already Eagle) achieving a new rank. One of our first scouts to join the troop received her Life rank and will be starting down the road to Eagle this spring.

In April, our troop attended Scout Sunday at your church. Along with Troop 85 Boys, the scouts greeted the church members and participated in the services.

Summer Camp is coming up! Each year, troops are encouraged to attend summer camp at one of BSA’s many camps around the country. This year, the scouts have voted to return to Camp Woodruff in northern Georgia. They will earn merit badges, meet other scouts, learn skills, and maybe even go whitewater rafting or horseback riding!

If you know any girls, ages 11-17, who love the outdoors and wish to learn valuable leadership skills, call Scoutmaster Stephanie Chambers-Wolff at 386-406-1736 or visit The troop meets Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. upstairs in the Education Building.

Do you have a skill that every scout should know? Plumber, welders, chefs, community leaders, law enforcement, and so much more are welcome to join as Merit Badge Counselors. It free to join! Learn more about merit badges at

by Lodisca Beichner, Assistant Scoutmaster



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