Easter preparations are well underway. We hope you will join us in worship for these special services, celebrating our Lord’s resurrection beginning with Palm Sunday on April 10 with Tim and the choir presenting: “Christ is Risen!” cantata. Maundy Thursday service at 6:30, Good Friday 6:30, Easter sunrise 7:30 and regular Easter Service at 10:30.Be sure to mark your calendar with these times.
The flowered cross will be outdoors again and hope you will remember to bring your flowers and/or greens to help adorn it. Memorial flowers of lilies and hydrangeas are available too. Forms can be found in the church Narthex and in Fellowship Hall. You can also fill out the form below and bring or mail it to church office. Deadline for turning in the form with your payment is April 6th.
April 24th will be Scout Sunday. Let’s remember to attend and support them.
New visitor cards are being placed in the pew racks along with other info and giving envelopes.
We had a nice turnout of residents for our first post-pandemic service last month at The Canopy. We are changing the service time for The Canopy to 2pm so we can allow time for the residents to complete their lunch. Feel free to join us as we offer communion to those who wish to partake.
By Roberta Whitaker, Elder