It’s almost here!! Depending on no further COVID spikes, full worship services will begin on May 23rd, Pentecost! (and wear your RED). We anticipate being able to worship and sing together with no masks and no limited seating.
However, if you feel more comfortable, you may still wear your mask. We will not be passing the offering plate, but plexiglass boxes will be available in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall for depositing your offering. Communion will be using the disposable elements, at least for the summer.
You will also notice a slight change in the order of worship. After the welcome, there will be offering of Peace, but no hand shaking at this time. The choir will be singing the anthem after the sermon.
Pastor Ken will be taking a much earned and needed vacation in early June. Johnny Brown will be preaching on May 30th and guest, Don McGarity Communion Sunday, June 6.
The Worship Committee thanks the entire congregation for their full cooperation and understanding during these stressful 14 months. We are also looking for volunteers to be ushers and usher captains. Please contact me if you are willing to answer God’s call in this way.
Ushers needed: Please see Roberta Whitaker if you’re interested.
Please note: Pastor Ken will be on vacation May 27th – June 12th
By Roberta Whitaker, Elder