It was such a glorious “full opening” on Pentecost this past Sunday. Such a joy to see so many faces and smiles that we have missed! And we are still missing seeing so many of you. We hope you will be joining us very soon. There was an unofficial count of around 90 present singing and praising God.
Both the Narthex and Fellowship Hall parking lot doors will be open. The door on the Administration Bldg. side will be used for exiting only.
Pastor Ken will be on a much needed and deserved vacation May 26th to June 12th.
We look forward to our Youth Director, Johnny Brown, bringing our message on May 30th and Rev. Don McGarity on Communion Sunday, June 6th. Please contact me if you need communion elements at home. The Worship Committee will be happy to deliver them to you.
We are beginning to organize and schedule ushers for the summer. Please consider this calling. It is easy and a great way to greet fellow members and visitors.
Enjoy your summer – mask free!
Ushers needed: Please see Roberta Whitaker if you’re interested.
By Roberta Whitaker, Elder